Ile-Perrot Toyota : Employer of Choice Across Canada

November 08 2019

Ile-Perrot Toyota : Employer of Choice Across Canada

Ile-Perrot Toyota stands out by winning an award across Canada. The company has reached the top 25 of the best dealerships to work for in the country. For management and the employees, this award perfectly reflects the corporate values ​​of Ile-Perrot Toyota.

The Best Dealership to Work for Award for 2019 is offered by the popular Automotive News Canada and Best Companies Group. The competition of the best dealership employers was this year in its second edition. The objective of this competition is to highlight innovative practices and unique initiatives implemented in the automotive field to create stimulating workplaces and thereby contribute to the retention of the workforce in a competitive market.

« The first step to making the Automotive News Canada list of Best Dealerships To Work For might be the toughest : the staff has to like their workplace enough to nominate it. That’s where it begins. Being liked. Maybe even loved », wrote Jeff Melnychuk, editor-in-chief of Automotive News Canada in the October 2019 edition, which presents a portrait of each of the winners.

After a 6-month process of evaluating many of the selection criteria, the contest's jury selected 25 dealers across Canada who stand out for their approach as employers. Of these, we count Ile-Perrot Toyota. The only Toyota dealership in Canada to feature on this prestigious list.

A philosophy focused on happiness at work

The Best Dealership To Work For Award confirms that the efforts put in place by Ile-Perrot Toyota to equip employees and provide them with a pleasant living environment are recognized and appreciated by members of the team, all departments combined.

In order to foster professional development and employee engagement in their workplace, Ile-Perrot Toyota offers a variety of training approaches, ranging from online courses to coaching sessions with a member of management. This type of initiative has aroused the interest of the jury of the competition, which seeks concessions that know how to equip their employees for success. « We want our employees to feel a sense of entitlement and to be empowered. We follow up to ensure they’re on the right career path and if they’re missing any tools needed to achieve their goal, we provide support and the help needed », shared Nick Huynh, Sales Manager at Ile-Perrot Toyota.

But that's not all. Daily work experience is also a priority at Ile-Perrot Toyota. Everything is done to foster a sense of belonging. « Interpersonal skills and belief in teamwork have become as important as actual field experience », explained Sylvie Bewadekian, General Manager at Ile-Perrot Toyota. The management works with employees to create an ideal work / family balance and a festive atmosphere that encourages exchanges and complicity.

A prize that inspires pride

Receiving the Best Dealership To Work For Award has struck a chord with Ile-Perrot Toyota.

"I would like to congratulate my team for winning this great nomination. Being recognized as one of Canada's top automotive employers is particularly important to us. Creating a nice work environment and seeing that team members like their jobs has an influence on performance. Employees are more engaged and this is reflected in our customer service. We observe better retention and a stronger sense of belonging", shares Sylvie Bewadekian.

"It's probably the prize I'm most proud of, because it's impossible to get to that point without the team standing out on many levels. This award demonstrates the excellence of the company that is accomplished in a work environment that employees value. This positive environment fosters the dedication of employees that is subsequently felt by all our customers. This influence helps the company continue to recruit excellent employees", said André Gingras, president of Groupe AutoForce, which Ile-Perrot Toyota is a member of. Moreover, of the four Quebec concessions that are on the final list, two are part of Groupe AutoForce.

Employees of Ile-Perrot Toyota learned that the dealership had won this award as part of a festive dinner held October 31st, 2019. They were all delighted with the news, and many testified about their appreciation of their job.

Antoine Saadé has been working as a sales advisor for Ile-Perrot Toyota for a year and a half. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field. "Three weeks after starting my job at Ile-Perrot Toyota, I knew I was going to retire here. Team spirit and professionalism are impeccable. Everyone is happy and that makes a big difference every day. I give the best of myself, because I am happy at work", he shared during the announcement.